standard-title SYRUPS


“Concentrated aqueous solution of sugar, usually sucrose to which medicaments are added and flavored to mask disagreeable tastes.”

For different age groups e.g. Children, who like to take medicine blended with some kind of sweetness colors and flavors.

W.S manufactures syrups in 120 ml & 250 ml packing, addressing all major and minor diseases for all age groups.

  • Nervotone Syrup is especially made to keep one’s nervous system within one’s control it was launched after extensive clinical trials, the syrup has quality results.
  • GinkoPlus Syrup is made to reduce anxiety level, and loss of memory recovery.

Federal Provisional Enlistment No. Allotted (Form-7 Holder Company)

Federal Provisional Enlistment No. Allotted (Form-7 Holder Company)